To preregister, please email Jackie at
Directions to Mitchell Park Below
Family Yoga in the Park
For infants ages 3 months - 3 years old
5:15 - 5:45pm
For children ages 3 - 10 years old
5:45 - 6:15pm
Thursdays from June 7 to August 16 (no class June 28)
Mitchell Park, Palo Alto
Come share your love of yoga with the ones you love in a natural setting, beneath a canopy of trees! Yoga for
Families is a fun way to bond with your little ones,while investing in the health of your bodies & minds &
connecting deeply to one another.
Classes are $10 per family per week if you preregister ($100 for 10 classes).
Classes are $15 per family on a drop-in basis ($150 for 10 classes).
(There is a bathroom facility onsite, as well as a lovely playground for the kids before and/or after the yoga class!)
Yoga in the Park (For adults)
Thursdays from June 7 to August 16 (no class June 28)
Mitchell Park, Palo Alto
6:30 - 7:30pm
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to practice yoga in the fresh outdoors, beneath a canopy of trees.
Be inspired by the beauty around you as you tune into the beauty within you. I have been teaching yoga for
several years, and nothing brings me more joy than teaching yoga outside, where we can more genuinely
salute the sun & bow down to Mother Earth & more directly experience the healing energy around us!
Classes are $10 per person per week if you preregister ($100 for 10 classes).
Classes are $15 per person on a drop-in basis ($150 for 10 classes).
Mitchell Park Directions
The Mitchell Park class is outdoors in the park. To find the class,
please go to the back of the parking lot. The class will be held on the grass
to the North
of the tennis courts and to the South of the restrooms, immediately in front of the skateboard circle.
Please bring layers of clothing. It usually starts out quite
warm, but it cools down quite a bit towards the end.
Please bring 2 towels (or blankets), one to protect your yoga mat (or use as a mat) and a second to cover yourself during the final relaxation.
