Women's Retreat Facilitators
Jackie Long, MA, CYT teaches yoga in a gentle & nurturing manner. Inspired by the rich overlap between Western psychology, Buddhist theory and yogic philosophy, she incorporates the psychological aspect of yoga into her classes. Jackie is also a counseling psychologist and enjoys working with women in groups, exploring issues of self-acceptance, sensuality, and group dynamics.
Krassi Davis, CYT, CMT was trained as a yoga instructor in Bangalore, India. Krassi’s teaching style focuses on integrating the spiritual, emotional and mental aspects of yoga within a physical vinyasa practice. She is passionate about helping people to connect with the beauty in nature, and she enjoys sharing her understanding of yoga with beginners as well as with experienced practitioners.
Amanda Basler, MA is an arts therapist who offers workshops throughout the SF Bay Area, helping clients to tap into their creative potential. Amanda is also a trained Wilderness First Responder and has considerable experience leading women on healing expeditions.
